Sunday, October 28, 2007

Soundtrack of Your Life

Imagine life without music. The train station would be so boring. The go-out-from parking space moment would be so empty, and yes, bit scary if I go home at midnite. Sunset would be just yellow light in horizon, night jogging would be more into jail-escaping, sitting alone in coffee shop and watch people pass would more like sitting in coffee shop, coz I'm deadly thirst and I dunno why so many people passing by.

Having a soundtrack of your current moment is amazing. Two hour train ride from London to Portsmouth with music from Passenger and Kings of Convenience feels like romantic gateway, even you are alone. Traffic jam from my office to home in Jakarta feels like a splash of city light, what you have to do, put the John Mayer, Neon. Or even if you try to burn some fat at the gym, you can always put on some beats from Keri Hilson. It's necessary to bring your iPod/iPhone to the gym, (yeah not iPad)... just to make sure that you run away from the never ending approach from Personal Trainer, the gossiping noise from chatty chatty sissies in the lobby or steroid scream from Bulgy-over-protein guys in weight-lifting area.

Having a soundtrack while you doing something, it's like you are the star of the movie. It's like everybody is watching you from cinema. Music gives you added value of your activity. Jerk off is included.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Summer in Seoul

Yang gue pikirin pagi ini cuma teh. Dan yang gue lihat di kamar hostel ini cuma ada green tea dengan tulisan hangeul. Lebih baik daripada cari teh di luar, mahal. Masih belum terlintas satupun rencana hari ini. Cuma ada peta wisata kota dan buku lonely planet, dan waktu yang tepat untuk baca, saat buang air besar. Paling nggak ada waktu 10 menit untuk baca sampai semuanya kelar.

Art gallery di kiri kanan jalan, museum mainan, barang-barang traditional sebagai cinderamata, caucasian yang sibuk berphoto-photo. It's the best place to stay. Gak sehiruk pikuk Myong-dong yang kiri kanan penuh dengan orang bejubel jubel. It's summer, so the whole city is damn humid. Setelah mondar mandir sekitar kota kok gue notice simbol love hotel alias hotel jam-jam-an. Kok rasanya pernah lihat simbol itu... tapi dimana ya??

Pas pulang ke Insa-dong balik ke hostel gue.. damn.. itu simbol gede banget di depan resepsionisnya. Semoga sepreinya mereka bersihin.

Han River.
Hari berikutnya nekad nyewa sepeda muter muter sekitar Han River. Gak banyak yang bisa dilihat, selain kakek kakek dan nenek nenek berteduh dan piknik. Ah gak terlalu berkesan Seoul ini.

Bad Day

Seberapa sering kita ingat akan kesialan kita dalam satu hari? Kehilangan dompet, cellphone, mobil ketabrak, kacamata keinjak, atau hal-hal kecil seperti kehilangan karcis parkir. Walaupun cuma bayar cuma rasanya nggak rela aja kan? Sebarapa sering kita wondering kenapa hari ini sial? Apa cuma karena ceroboh? Dan seberepa sering juga kita mengumpat karena kejadian tadi? Pernah gak nyalahin diri sendiri atau menuding diri kita "mungkin karena kita jarang bersedekah..." Pasti pernah. Dan at the end of the day kita ngomong gini "Hari yang aneh.. jangan-jangan gue dikerjain Uya..."

Coba deh lihat kiri kanan jangan-jangan beneran ada kamera. Kalau nggak ada anggep aja besok mungkin mau menang lotre gila gilaan.