Everything that exist in this world have a purpose. There's no way a thing suddenly shows up in front of us without meaning or a reason behind it. And God created human on earth with a purpose too, even before we born.
"Your eyes did see my substance, yet being imperfect; and in your book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them." Psalm 139:16
So there's no doubt that even if we live in our own will, God gives us purpose before we become a flesh and bone. That means, there is no one born on earth without having a purpose in life at all. I think they just lost, and they haven't found it yet. But how do we know what is God purpose for us?
What you believe about your origin will determine what you believe about your purpose in future. But how do we know our origin?
Look at your blackberry. How do we know about all details and feature that this device have if we had never read the manual? For sure you will know when you trying to push this and that button, and there's a possibility you will get your blackberry error or spoiled, because you change the setting randomly without knowing it from the manual book first. You make your blackberry as an experiment. And there's always a geek friend of yours or an ITC ambassador who will fix up your problems. But life is not a blackberry. You can not make an experiment in life. Because when you do a big mistake at the time you experimenting your life, no ITC Ambassador or geek friends will fix you up easily.
So read our manual book. A holy bible. Open it, you can always find something interesting there. I read this book before; Life's Missing Instruction Manual : The Guidebook You Should Have Been Given at Birth written by Joe Vitale. But this is nothing compare to the Bible. Seriously.
There are so many people live their life out there, by clicking the autopilot button, just remember my posting about life in autopilot. We do same things everyday. If someone ask them what is your purpose in life. They are going to say; "Well I just let my life flow like a wind, go wherever it is..". Sadly to say, I think more than 50% people that I know, having this kind of mindset. Have you ever wonder, do we live only to become what we do right now? Don't you intrigued by thinking that is so much more than we have now. As we know, people are evolving.
Again, blackberry, with GPS, push email, browser and many more features, will be very useful if we are able to use its full functionality. But if we only use this device for sms and phone, it will degrades the value if it. I mean why not buy a flexi phone or something less expensive than that? It's the same for us, if we're not maximizing our abilities and skills, we will make ourselves less valuable than we should be. Think Big about yourself. This thought will bring you to achieve the next level of your life.
Remember Genesis 1:26 "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth."
We are meant to be conqueror. Remember that.
A questions that pops up when we ask about our Our Value.
1. Are we valueable to Society? Are we matters to our working place?
2. How many people under our influences?
3. how many people affected and inspired by us?
4. how many people listening to your words? Read your tweets?
5. How many people will miss you when you die?
The life after we know Jesus should make ourselves reach many people's lives, not making our life solitude. So that people will see God's Glory in you.
When God gives us purpose, sometimes, to achieve that purpose we have to face many temptation. But when we face the temptation, don't ever complaining and whining that the temptation coming from God. James 1:13 "let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God; for God never tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man."
But who are we kidding, we human, make mistake, and the temptation is coming from our flesh too. This is the real battle of life. The true battle is with our own flesh. And how do we know which one is God's purpose in us and which one is not? Should we doing praying or fasting for 40 days? Or should we meditating in the dark to know the God's purpose? But don't worry, I believe we have our own way and time to connect and feel very close to God. Some of them feel connected with God when they drive alone, some of them takes one week vacation to get the real connection. But if you really close to God, you will have an automatically response and you will know what wants you to do. It's like relationship, when you close to someone and very intimate, for sure you will get connected easily.
So few things that we should ask to ourselves about the purpose in life:
- What do you want? He will give you desire of heart. Just do something that you like. Don't do things that you hate, otherwise you will never stop complaining for the rest of your life.
- Why do we want this? Don't do it for your own glory. Do it for God's Glory. And people will see Jesus in you.
- What do you need to do to make it happen?
- Are we living in the purpose of God?
- Can we be the salt of the world and light to the world? Check your fb and twitter. Do they bring salt and light?
- When people mention your name. What do people remember the most about you?
Let's think about it. Make a purpose to Glorify God's name, and God will bring you to anywhere you want, anything you can be.